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Spring is in the Air – Do your Contacts Feel Dry?

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Ask us about daily contact lenses.

If you suffer with dry allergy-eyes, we can provide effective treatment so you get the relief you need.

Eye allergies occur when the body becomes hypersensitive to a particular substance, such as pollen or dust, triggering the immune system to release histamine.

When histamine reaches the eyes, the blood vessels in the eye area swell, giving the appearance of red eyes.

Using standard contact lenses can sometimes worsen symptoms, since the buildup of allergens on the lens is reintroduced into the eyes daily.

Switching to daily disposable contact lenses resolves this problem, since they are thrown away every night after each use.

Eye allergies can be effectively managed by our highly experienced optometric team, so call Clarity Optometry to order your daily contacts or schedule your appointment today!