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Woman wearing scleral lenses, with boyfriend in eyeglasses

Scleral Lenses For Post-LASIK, Post-PRK, And Post-RK Surgery In Hamilton, Ontario

About LASIK & Post LASIK Ectasia

Woman with eyeglasses after LASIK surgery

As a whole, LASIK or laser vision correction is safe and effective. Most LASIK surgeons today use corneal topographers to map the cornea and measure its thickness to ensure better results from any laser vision correction.

While the prospects are good for LASIK candidates, eye complications can — and continue to — occur, such as post-LASIK ectasia, a corneal distortion or irregularity that causes the cornea to weaken and bulge.

Those with surgery complications develop vision problems which cannot be fully corrected using glasses or soft contact lenses, as the shape of their eye cause the lenses to easily dislodge. For those people, scleral lenses offer a more comfortable, secure fit and improved vision.

Speak with Dr. Garzon at Clarity Optometry Scleral Lens and Keratoconus Center to find out how scleral lenses can help you see clearly and comfortably again.

Woman inserting scleral lenses after LASIK surgery

Scleral Lenses For Post-LASIK, Post-PRK, And Post-RK Surgery

In the event that a patient underwent LASIK surgery — or PRK or RK — and eye complications developed, scleral lenses are the ideal option to provide clear and comfortable vision. Once you have been properly fitted for scleral lenses, you can expect to gradually see improvements in clarity, color and contrast between multiple images and objects within your visual field. The comfort you’ll experience allow you to wear your custom-made scleral lenses all day long so that you can keep doing all the things you love.

Man wearing glasses after LASIK surgery

Why Wear Specialty Contact Lenses For Post-Surgery Complications?

Post-LASIK, Post-PRK, and Post-RK patients with eye complications tend to experience poor, distorted vision, resulting in an inability to wear standard contact lenses due to their sensitive cornea. In fact, attempting to wear soft contact lenses can be extremely painful and can further damage the cornea.

Scleral lenses, on the other hand, are larger in diameter and spread their weight over a much greater, less sensitive area. Furthermore, having the lens vault over the cornea protects it from any abrasion or external irritants. It is made up of highly oxygen permeable materials and provides a soothing bath of artificial tears that refresh the ocular surface. Scleral lenses improves comfort and provides clear vision to those with corneal aberrations, whether due to existing eye conditions or following corneal surgery.

eye-lashes eye-lashes2 Patients With Corneal Aberrations

Patients with corneal aberrations typically experience poor vision. Fortunately, scleral lenses are customized hard lenses that provide clear vision and all-day comfort. For more information on how scleral lenses can help those with post-LASIK surgery or to set up a consultation, contact Dr. Garzon

Does Collagen Cross-Linking Correct Post-LASIK Ectasia?

Patients with corneal ectasia from LASIK surgery complications are at times recommended to undergo collagen cross-linking— a new method in treating advanced cases of keratoconus and diseased corneas.

Discuss this procedure with Dr. Garzon and get a second opinion. Note that many patients who undergo collagen cross-linking will still require specialty contact lenses to achieve clear vision.

Woman sitting on bench, wearing scleral contact lenses

Should I Just Get Another LASIK Surgery in Hamilton To Repair My Ectasia?

While LASIK surgery has a high success rate, some patients come out of the surgery with poor vision. Certain LASIK surgeons may recommend an follow-up enhancement procedure to improve the patient’s vision. This may lead the patient to undergo several corrective LASIK surgeries, potentially leaving one with scarred corneas and even poorer vision.

The safest and best option is to wear scleral lenses, as they correct astigmatism, farsightedness and are perfectly safe on corneas. Our patients who got fitted for custom-designed scleral lenses report feeling thrilled with how sharp and comfortable their vision has become.

Can Scleral Lenses Help You? Find Out! 905-692-3937

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